Mini Face Lift Beverly Hills

Mini Face Lift Beverly HillsA face lift procedure removes extra layers of skin around the face and neck.  When excess tissue is prevalent around these areas, the skin can begin to sag – this results in an unsatisfactory appearance.  Aging is one of the most common causes of this problem.   Dr. Jason Diamond is a mini face lift specialist in Beverly Hills whose treatments addresses loose skin and restore youthful vigor to your face.

The mini face lift is a less invasive procedure that involves performing small incisions and utilizes smaller stiches to minimize scarring.  The incision is performed on each air, which will the underlying tissue to be resuspended.  The excess skin will then be removed and the overlying skin will then be stitched back into place.  This process helps smooth out the wrinkles, restructure the jaw line, and provide a younger looking face.

The treatment take up to an hour and you can return to your normal duties after the following 3-5 days.  The procedure does not require general anesthesia, so bruising and swelling is minimized.  The mini face lift treats only the lower face and upper neck area, this means the forehead, eyelids, mid-face area, and brows are not affected.

If a mini face lift from Dr. Diamond appeals to you, then you can call us today for a complimentary consultation!