Laser rejuvenation is just one technique used by Beverly Hills board certified Dr. Diamond at the Diamond Face Institute. Dr. Diamond’s skilled practice includes the option of eMatrix for Fractional Skin Resurfacing.
Ematrix works by treating fine lines and wrinkles, reducing or eliminating brown spots, and skin sun damage. It also improves acne scars and stretch marks and tightens skin with little downtime and at a low cost.
Additionally, Laser Resurfacing and Pixel Laser Resurfacing are also offered by Dr. Diamond’s office. These techniques successfully improve UV/sun damage and sun spots. Laser rejuvenation also reduce fine lines and wrinkles, shrink large pores, and smooth textural irregularities, tightening skin, rebuilding collagen, and improving or eliminating scars.
Fotofacial RF is an intense pulsed light that provides color correction, reducing brown and red pigmentation from acne, sun spots, scars, and age.
Refirme Skin Tightening uses InfraRed technology to reduce fine lines and wrinkles such as crows feet and laugh lines, as well as tightening laxity in jowls, chin, and neck. And LipoLite complements liposuction, serving as a facial treatment that contours and tightens chin and jowl areas.