Beverly Hills Lip Augmentation

Beverly Hills Lip AugmentationDr. Diamond provides full lip augmentation to assist patients in the creation of a youthful, sexy mouth area for both men and women. The most beautiful mouth includes a full upper lip that doesn’t completely cover upper teeth if the mouth is slightly open. Aging elongates and thins the upper lip, covering the upper teeth, creating a less attractive and youthful appearance. While temporary fillers are one process to enhance lips, other techniques such as fat transfer may be utilized to create natural, lovely results. This technique is especially viable for patients already employing fat transfers to other areas of their face.

The lip lift is another technique which creates permanent augmentation for the upper lip. Dr. Diamond’s lip lift procedure is the only procedure that shortens distance of the upper lip so that the upper teeth are youthfully visible again.

Another lip augmentation technique is Artefill, a relatively new filler FDA approved since 2008. This permanent filler can be applied in office, and has been enthusiastically embraced by patients looking for a permanent solution to temporary lip fillers.

Dr. Diamond, as a world-renowned facial plastic surgeon, certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology, can provide the most superior lip augmentation techniques and options for patients seeking a sexy, youthful mouth.